Spring has finally sprung and I had my first sighting of ramps at the farmer’s market a few weeks ago. If you are new to ramps, they are a mild type of garlic with a slight onion taste that grow in the early spring. They are coveted this time of year and have a very short season.
I came home on a Thursday night with these beautiful ramps but no plan. As I was putting my dough in the bread maker (I have a love affair with making challah in the bread machine) I realized the ramps would create a chimichurri perfect for a spring-inspired stuffed challah.
It is rare that I get to have my parents come for Shabbat so it was an extra pleasure to share this with them. They typically prefer plain challah but both commented on what a great addition this challah was to the spring table. Not only was this challah beautiful with streaks of green throughout, but it was incredibly soft and flavorful. And the smell was just outrageous.
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The post Ramp Chimichurri Challah appeared first on My Jewish Learning.