If braiding challah has always scared you away from the task, then now is the time to take the bull by the horns, or the dough by its, well, doughy-ness.
Braiding challah can seem complicated, and it definitely takes practice to create a beautiful final product. But that’s precisely why we have created this how-to video, to help you conquer the art of braiding challah for any occasion.
In the video above you will see how to braid a simple three strand challah, a knotted roll (great for Shabbat lunch sandwiches, or things like pulled brisket sandwiches for football-viewing), a six strand challah (perhaps one of the most coveted and complicated braiding techniques to master) and a unique six strand “basket weave” round challah that will be the centerpiece of any holiday celebration.
You can use any challah recipe you like with these techniques. Here are a few of our favorites:
The post How to Braid Challah for Shabbat, Holidays or Anytime appeared first on My Jewish Learning.