Have you heard of jackfruit yet? If it hasn’t come across your Facebook feed or email inbox yet, keep your eyes open because it is the newest trend in vegetarian meat replacements.
But let’s start from the beginning. This is what a jackfruit looks like:
And this is what the flesh of the fruit looks like when it is removed from its thick, green dragon-egg-like shell:
Jackfruit was originally cultivated in India, but is grown throughout tropical regions including Southeast Asia, South America, Australia and the Caribbean. But you don’t have to travel to the topics to find it — you can buy it in cans from Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. You can even find it fresh at many specialty fruit shops. And when it is cooked, it has an incredibly meaty, hearty taste and texture. It’s also low in calories, high in fiber and is considered an environmentally friendly food, since it is drought resistant.
After reading and researching about this wonder fruit, I thought jackfruit would make a great vegetarian brisket option.You can serve this entree for summer picnics and BBQs alongside buns and coleslaw, or save it for Shabbat dinners and holidays. It’s easy, satisfying meat-free deliciousness.
The post This Vegetarian Brisket Recipe Actually Tastes Like Meat appeared first on My Jewish Learning.