A Critical Difference
Why do we cringe when our flaws and shortcomings are pointed out to us? Why do we find criticism such a bitter pill to swallow?… Read More »A Critical Difference
Why do we cringe when our flaws and shortcomings are pointed out to us? Why do we find criticism such a bitter pill to swallow?… Read More »A Critical Difference
“Speak to the entire assembly of the Children of Israel and say to them: You shall be holy, for holy am I, G-d your Lord.”… Read More »More Power To You
This week, the Torah not only teaches us the basics of getting along with one’s neighbor, it also codifies the elementary rules of behavior that… Read More »Burden of Reproof
Friday Night THERE IS A mitzvah, in this week’s parsha, of not placing a stumbling block before the blind. It is not talking about an… Read More »Secret to Holiness