August 2024


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It’s no mistake that the name of the Hebrew month that contains the notoriously tragic day of Tisha B’Av is “AV” which means “FATHER”. In… Read More »ABBA-ABBA


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BS”D Volume 38, No. 43 6 Av 5784 August 10, 2024 Sponsored by The Katz and Vogel Families in memory of Shmayah ben Shmayah Kalkstein… Read More »Review

Speaking Louder

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Moshe is saying his last good-byes to his beloved nation. He stands at Israel’s border and reviews forty years of trials and tribulations, the good… Read More »Speaking Louder

Special Delivery

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So there were delivered from the thousands of the Bnei Yisrael a thousand from each shevet.[1] Rashi explains the significance of this “delivery.” We are… Read More »Special Delivery