
No Rest

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BS”D Volume 39, No. 9 20 Kislev 5785 December 28, 2024 Our Parashah opens: “Vayeishev / Yaakov settled in the land of his father’s sojournings,… Read More »No Rest

Sea of Hatred

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His brothers saw that their father loved him more than all the brothers, and they hated him…[2] A medrash[3] inexplicably asks about the reason for… Read More »Sea of Hatred

Because I Care

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“…And Yosef would bring evil reports about them to their father”(37:2) The Torah records that Yosef’s brothers hated him because he reported to Yaakov transgressions… Read More »Because I Care

Vows and Dreams

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Once upon a time Daphna knocked on her older sister’s bedroom door. “Aviva, can you help me with my math homework?” “Sure, come on in”… Read More »Vows and Dreams

Freeing the Spirit

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Divine providence seems to work in strange ways, especially for Joseph languishing in an Egyptian prison. Unjustly accused of making advances to Potiphar’s wife, Joseph… Read More »Freeing the Spirit

Tainted Intent

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The story of Yoseph’s discord with his brothers’ waxes as a factual, albeit eternal, analogy to feuding Jews. There are dreams and fantasies, jealousies and… Read More »Tainted Intent

Remorse Now

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THERE IS THIS joke about a woman who cried the first time she read the story about Yosef’s kidnapping and how he suffered. But her… Read More »Remorse Now